Luxury Yacht Hotel, Lady Anita, Pier 3, Marina Bay, Gibraltar GX11 1AA.

Luxury Yacht

Luxury Yacht Hotel Article
3 Feb

Superbowl on the Yacht

With 4 flat-screen TVs, surround sound, plenty of local channels, good wifi and portable media players you’ll be able to watch all the major sporting events of the year in style on board the Luxury Yacht Hotel in Gibraltar.

Want to watch the Superbowl on the water? Or Wimbledon without the risk of bad weather? El Classico is not the same without authentic Spanish commentators too!

In Ocean Village we’re also spoilt for choice with UK sports shown all day on the outside jumbo screen at The Arena, all SKY football matches at The Ship, Hendrix and Bruno’s … and then anything else football related from across the world at The Bridge and The Ivy for diehard fans!

Check our reservation calendar on the homepage to book your stay today.